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1 ehud, 17/12/07 14:12

Hello, first let me apologise for using English. I wish I could type in Italian, it is such a beautiful language.

My name is David, and my wife, daughter and I will soon be moving to Pordenone. We are vegans, and will need help finding grocery stores, produce, and restaurants in the area.

Any hely would be greatly appreciated. Again, I apologise for not being able to use your beautiful language.

Grazie for your time.

2 ehud, 17/12/07 14:13

ehud ha scritto:

3 Marina, 17/12/07 14:45

Dear ehud,

you can find here some shops:

There are no restaurants in that province, in our database, sorry...


4 babochka, 17/12/07 21:41

Hi ehud!

I live in Pordenone and I'm vegan. Welcome to this lovely and lively town! You're gonna hate it soon. :)
I'll be happy to help you. Send me an email, so we can
talk privately: babaota@yahoo.it


5 Tableboy, 17/12/07 21:55

Godevening David,
I'm Alessandro and I would want help you. I don't found anything veg*an restaurant in Pordenone.
However you can eat vegan food in almost all restaurant.
A lot of Italian dishes are vegan, dishes as "spaghetti
and tomato sauce" or "ribollita (a tipically Florentine dishes) " or "pizza marinara".
On menu of all restaurant there are always veg*an dish it is enought to ask .
You ask the tourist office of pordenone for having more answer.
When you wish visit Florence I know I fantastic vegan restaurant in Florence' s country near a caracteristic
City asked Montespertoli .

6 ehud, 18/12/07 14:58

Thanks to everyone for your responses. This is one of the most helpful and friendly forums I have ever visited.

I was very apprehensive about how people would react to my using English.

Again, thanks to you all.

7 Andrea, 2/01/08 23:54

I moved your message in this new section.

ehud ha scritto:
I was very apprehensive about how people would react to my using English.

You gave us the idea of creating this new forum in English for people who wants (or must) visit Italy!

8 Andrea, 3/01/08 00:11


9 Lucik, 3/01/08 00:13

But couldn't you use the European Union flag instead of
the Union Jack??? It would be more suitable, wouldn't it?
Or it better refers to the language used?
However... the borders of this home are expanding more and more, and this is a good thing :-)
What else we will see in next years... nobody knows :-)

10 Andrea, 3/01/08 00:24

Lucik ha scritto:
But couldn't you use the European Union flag instead of the Union Jack??? It would be more suitable, wouldn't it? Or it better refers to the language used?

Yes, it refers to the language.

Every flag would exclude someone so referring to the language seemed the best option. Other suggestions are welcome.

11 Lucik, 3/01/08 00:34

Other suggestions are welcome.

A big pictures of the administrator on the top corner of the site, possibly when smiling, and underwritten with a sentence stating "man at work"... Dehehiho :-)

12 Andrea, 3/01/08 01:03

Lucik ha scritto:
A big pictures of the administrator on the top corner of the site, possibly when smiling

I hate to be photographed and I rarely smile (expecially when doing something i hate like being photographed) so this is very unlikely !

13 Lucik, 3/01/08 10:01

Hope never dies, maybe getting older your antisociality will temper itself :-)

14 Lucik, 3/01/08 10:05

Anyway I authorise to put the one of mine, subtitling as "vegan of the year 2008" :-)

15 Tableboy, 3/01/08 21:46

Vegan of the years 2008?
Vegan heavy eater of oat of the years 2008 in my opinion, do you agree whit me?

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Cos'hanno in comune queste persone? Ciascuno di loro sta salvando migliaia di animali.

Siamo tutti diversi, trova il modo adatto a TE per aiutare gli animali!